Sales Orders
An Apptiflo Purchase Order documents the items or services sold between two Accounts. The Account buying or issuing the Purchase Order (PO) is the Customer, while the Account selling or receiving the Purchase Order (PO) is the Supplier. A corresponding Sales Order is created in the Supplier's Account when a PO is made and approved. A Customer Account's Purchase Order is the same as a Supplier Account's Sales Order. Both Accounts can access the Apptiflo platform to process their documents, save time, and ensure accountability.
An Apptiflo Order Estimate is a proposal detailing the items or services sold between two Accounts. The Account selling or issuing the Order Estimate is the Supplier, while the Account buying or receiving the Order Estimate is the Customer. The Customer Account reviews and accepts Order Estimates, which generate Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Invoices, and Bills. Both Accounts have access to the Apptiflo platform to receive the Order Estimate and process the resulting Purchase Order.
Learn more about processing Sales Orders:
How can I see if a Sales Order have been processed with a Build Order?Order Estimates
How do I add an Order Estimate?How do I update a Draft Order Estimate?How do I delete a Draft Order Estimate?Sales Orders
How do I update a Pending Sales Order?How do I update an Accepted Sales Order?How do I update a Confirmed Sales Order?How do I finalize a Received Sales Order?Sales Order Items
How do I add a Pending Sales Order Item?How do I delete a Pending Sales Order Item?How do I set the Shipped Qty of a Confirmed Sales Order Item?How do I reconcile the Received Qty of a Received Sales Order Item?Last updated
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